Keiko Hidaka Creative Linkがおすすめするアーティストの作品をご紹介! 商品化にも対応したキャラクターやデザインも多く揃えています。ご相談やリクエストに応じて他の作品やアーティストもご提案いたします。お気軽にご相談ください。
Introducing some of the artists recommended by Keiko Hidaka Creative Link!
We can also suggest other artists upon request. Please feel free to contact us.
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Kapitza | カピッツァ
Kapitza sisters Nicole and Petra are renowned globally for their positive, fun and colorful art. Their distinctive style has led to collaborations with brands as big as Gucci, IKEA, Clinique and Swatch and their popular prints and art books have caught the attention of the creative community worldwide.
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カワツナツコ | Natsuko Kawatsu
2005年に「すうじのえほん」を出版。以降、イラストレーター、絵本作家として広告、書籍等幅広く活動。主な仕事として、食品メーカーのオリジナルキャラクター、スキンケア商品のギフトパッケージ、ウルトラ怪獣絵本シリーズ等。かずくま(小学館)、100Sketches (timeless books)より出版。オリジナルキャラクター「かずくま」はライセンスコンテンツとして商品化中。
Published “Suuji no Ehon” in 2005. Since then, as an illustrator and picture book writer, she has provided illustrations in various fields such as advertising, books, stationery, teaching materials, and web media. The original character “Kazukuma” is being commercialized as licensed content.
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Kacchi | カッチ
POP and fashionable. Kacchi’s work is recognized these two key words.
3D illustrator/cray figure designer Kacchi’s work appears wide range of activities-advertising and window displays.
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谷口シロウ | Shiro Taniguchi
With simple and warmful illustration, he has worked on many advertisements, magazines, books, and character designs. He is one of the leading illustrators in Japan.
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トモト | Tomoto
Tomoto’s illustrations are known for their use of bright colors and unique texture, Her cute characters give off warmth and a sense of genuine kindness. She mainly works on picture books, magazines, books, textiles, miscellaneous goods, stationery, wallpaper, and other items aimed at children and women.
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Anna Badina | アンナ・バディナ
Anna Badina is a Swiss–Russian Graphic Designer and Illustrator living in Switzerland. Her line drawing style is well-established and many exhibitions are held.
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Tirth Katrodia | ティース・カトロディア
インド・ムンバイ在住。カラフルでPOPなモチーフはシンプルながら力強さとストーリーが表現されている。FaceBookやSnapChatなどのイラストやアニメーションや、Redbull, Adidasの仕事、また最近ではアメリカの子供向けのPodcastのカバーアートを手がけるなど幅広く活動。
Creative director & illustrator based out of Mumbai. The colorful and pop motifs he draws are simple yet energetic and story-telling.
He has worked extensively on illustrations and animations such as Facebook, Snapchat, Redbull and Adidas. Recently on podcast cover art for a children’s podcast in the United States.
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